Re: Opinion Poll on the Next Discussion Topics for the W3C EGOV Interest Group


Thanks for sending this out.  I encourage everyone to vote on the topics
that are of most interest to them.

Thanks all!


Jeanne Holm
U.S. General Services Administration
Cell: (818) 434-5037
Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn: JeanneHolm

On 2/12/13 7:48 AM, "Tomasz Janowski" <> wrote:

>Dear All,
>We created the poll to collect opinions on the next topics to be
>discussed during the forthcoming W3C EGOV Interest Group meetings.
>The poll is available at:
>We would be grateful if you could visit the poll and select up to 5
>topics on the list; you can also insert your own topic. The poll is
>open until 1 March 2013; we will share the results soon afterwards.
>Thank you very much!
>Many regards,
>Jeanne and Tomasz
>W3C EGOV Interest Group Chairs

Received on Tuesday, 12 February 2013 17:11:20 UTC