Re: Environmental LOD [was: Re: New Charter]

On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 1:39 PM, Gannon Dick <> wrote:
> +0.5 if you mean that there is a role for "push".

I think pull (Atom/RSS) and push (pubsubhubbub, AtomPub) are both
relevant. Enabling pull is typically easier for most publishers to
manage, and a great place for government efforts to start (because of
its simplicity).

> +0.5 if "thoughtful" means a feed catalog which stresses local relevance over broad Agency Public Relations. Data, not "News".  Points of Interest are where you find them, not where the audience is located.

Yes, guidance on how to syndicate access to new/updated datasets as
they become available is very important. But I think syndicated access
to bits of information for people "aka news" is also important.
Creating syndicated feeds for "news" feeds is a good way to understand
why syndicated access to data is important, and how to do it.


Received on Tuesday, 23 November 2010 18:59:38 UTC