[Web Tech] Project 4 - Update / Call to Arms

Hi all

Well it seems to have been a slow week or two for some of the Projects, 
the Best Practices for using Web Technologies to deliver Government 
Services being no exception.

So I thought I'd write a brief note by way of an update on the Project, 
and a bit of a call to arms for those who may be new to the list, or may 
be still contemplating actively joining the Interest Group and who might 
have an interest in this particular project.


For those already involved.

As a means of forging ahead with the project, I'll be sending out one or 
two "focus group" topics for thought, discussion, or resource harvesting 
once a week (or fortnight, depending on responses.) This approach 
recognises that project members may have very specific areas of 
interest, or specialised knowledge, within the broader spheres of "web 
technologies" and "government services", that they would like to focus on.

While I've chosen the initial two topics (one at the suggestion of a 
project member very early on in the piece, the other because it's a "hot 
topic"), topics will be open for suggestion by project members, IG 
members and even just list subscribers - let us know what you want!

Remember - if nothing else - please please please, if you have a link or 
resource that can be used, add it to the project page on the wiki!!


For those who aren't aware, or who aren't members yet - "What is the Web 
Tech project?" I hear you ask. (And thank you for asking!)

This project seeks "through collaboration with other organizations, 
groups and through active research and discussion:

    * To take stock of existing best practice policy, guidelines and
      models around web technologies;
    * To provide and outline basline best practices for that are common
      to all elements of e-government globally;
    * To develop a guide/s and resource/s on implementing best practices
      around web technologies for the use in online service delivery of
      government services
    * To support the efforts of sister projects such as the Social Media
      and Data Management projects in development of thier own work
    * To develop a knowledge base of which governments are working
      online, and the policy and governance they are working under."

You can find out a bit more here: http://www.w3.org/egov/wiki/WebTech or 
you can drop me a line through the list or at chris-beer @ grapevine dot 
net dot au

<http://www.w3.org/Help/Account/>To participate in the project, you will 
need to formally join the IG (to clarify things like copyright ownership 
and conflict-of-interest) before you can participate in meetings or 
contribute to the wiki. If you are not yet formally in the IG and want 
to join at this time, follow the instructions here:


Please notify Sandro Hawke (sandro@w3.org <mailto:sandro@w3.org>) if you 
have technical problems, but please send any general management or 
leadership comments regarding the Project to the address above. Any 
general management or leadership comments regarding the IG may be 
addressed to team-egov-chairs@w3.org 
so the chairs can consider them as a group.



/*Chris Beer*
Co-ordinator - Better Practices for Using Web Technolgies to Deliver Government Services Project
Invited Expert - W3C e-Gov Interest Group/

Received on Thursday, 11 March 2010 12:03:33 UTC