[agenda] eGov IG telecon, 25 June 2008

Hi Group participants,

Here's the agenda for tomorrow's telecon. We'll review it at the
beginning of the call in case you'd like to add/remove items.

1. Scribe selection [2min]
2. Welcome and practicalities [15min]
     * meetings/telecon
      (see: http://www.w3.org/2007/eGov/IG/wiki/Teleconferences)
     * IRC everybody!
3. Review of Agenda Items [2min]
4. Intro: 2 minutes round the table [15min]
5. Use Cases and Requirements [35min]
    * Work and practicalities
    * Avoiding scope problems
    * Identification of challenges
    * Charter deliverables
     (see: http://www.w3.org/2008/02/eGov/ig-charter#deliverables)
    * W3C process and Group Notes
     (see: http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Process/)
    * Task Forces coordination
6. * Liaisons: review charter ones, new proposed ones  [15min]
     (see http://www.w3.org/2007/eGov/IG/wiki/Related_Initiatives)
7. Next Meeting [5min]
    * Dealing with summer holidays
    * Proposed: 9 August

Looking forward to the call.


Jose M. Alonso <josema@w3.org>    W3C/CTIC
eGovernment Lead                  http://www.w3.org/2007/eGov/

Received on Tuesday, 24 June 2008 12:13:43 UTC