DXWG plenary of Nov. 19 cancelled


We do not have anything needing definite attention for this week's
plenary, so we will cancel the meeting and take care of any other
business in other fora.

This email will serve as an update to the group about our progress.


DCAT has been accepted as a Proposed Recommendation. (!) It now goes out
to the W3C members for a vote, which has a deadline of 2020-01-07. This
doesn't mean that the DCAT group can *entirely* relax as there are a few
related projects that need some work:
 - please share any papers, blog posts, conference presentations in
which you speak about DCAT
 - we will need some text for emails and posts to be ready when DCATv2
becomes official
 - we also need text for a special thank you email to go to those who
contributed from outside of the group


Nick is preparing a new working draft of Conneg. There needs to be a WG
vote for each new draft. We will prepare a poll as soon as the new draft
is ready, hopefully in the next day or so.

This working draft will also need publicity, although it may be wise to
either hold off on publicity until after the holidays, or to repeat it
in early January. In any case, it's not too soon to begin to prepare
publicity materials that introduce this version of Conneg.

Evergreen process

Note that the W3C chairs list has seen a draft of the W3C process
document edited for the Evergreen process. This means that the work is
coming along, and we'll find out if what is out there today should be
forwarded to the working groups now or should wait for a later version.

Taking a break

It was suggested at a recent meeting that this might be a time for the
group to take a well-deserved break, possibly until early 2020. If there
are things we need to pay attention to we can try to do that via email.
Keep the plenary of November 26 on your calendars for now until we have
what we need to move the Conneg WD forward. We'll let you know in
advance if the meeting is to take place.

The chairs

Karen Coyle
kcoyle@kcoyle.net http://kcoyle.net
skype: kcoylenet

Received on Monday, 18 November 2019 14:45:35 UTC