Here is what Dave replied to me, but I hope he will weigh in directly:

"Given the advice I gave to Nicholas on namespace management, I believe
that we need a consistent policy for DXWG. This means reserving /ns/dx/
as the top level and putting the specific namespaces under that. Thus
the above would become"

I believe we need a discussion with him, as he speaks best for W3C

I also note that DCAT already has, which has
"/ns/" as its top level. The DQV, DUV, PROV and others are hash URIs
directly under "/ns/". So my use of "required" was a misinterpretation
on my part.

Having all of the DX vocabularies together would be nice - since DCAT
already has its own, what do we have beyond profiles ontology and roles?
Are we anticipating any other vocabularies? Do they have a logical
connection to each other beyond being part of DXWG?


On 11/16/18 1:28 PM, Car, Nicholas (L&W, Dutton Park) wrote:
> We are not required to have a group identifier -it was a suggestion by
> Dave but one that no one in the voting on namespaces favoured.
> If we go by the votes, this is resolved for the simple /ns/prof/. Also,
> the slash URI, which was the form voted for, is my and Rob’s preferred
> form and has recent precedence with the SOSA and SSN ontologies using it.
> Nick
> *Nicholas Car*
> /Senior Experimental Scientist/
> CSIRO Land & Water
> E <> M 0477 560 177
> <tel:0477%20560%20177> P 07 3833 5632
> Dutton Park, QLD, Australia
> On 17 Nov 2018, at 4:31 am, Karen Coyle <
> <>> wrote:
>> I am reminded by Dave Raggett that the /ns/ namespace requires a group
>> identifier level to avoid name collisions. He recommends that we use
>> /ns/dx/, so a namespace for the profiles ontology would be:
>> Note that the namespace for DCAT is:
>> We can have the slash vs hash discussion since there is no need for prof
>> to follow the dcat example.
>> Would it be possible to put off the final decision for this for the
>> future, or do folks feel a need to resolve this for the FPWD of prof?
>> kc
>> On 11/15/18 8:29 AM, Karen Coyle wrote:
>>> Here's the last email in the thread, AFAI can determine:
>>> For the documents, that gives:
>>> For the RDF/OWL namespace(s), so far we have:
>>> http(s)://
>>> <>/<>
>>> I will put on the agenda to vote on these at the next meeting, although
>>> I know that the editors need an answer immediately. Therefore, if
>>> necessary please use these short names in the documents knowing that
>>> they could be changed (and anyone who has objections MUST reply to this
>>> email ASAP).
>>> kc
>>> On 11/13/18 3:06 PM, Car, Nicholas (L&W, Dutton Park) wrote:
>>>> It wasn't actually addressed in the meeting but I agree Andrea is
>>>> representing the mailing list consensus.
>>>> Nick
>>>> On 14/11/18, 8:59 am, "
>>>> <>" <
>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>    Dear Karen, all,
>>>>    I may have missed it, but it is unclear to me which is the final
>>>> decision about the URLs for PROF and PROF-CONNEG.
>>>>    Based on the discussion on the mailing list, my understanding is
>>>> that there's a kind of agreement for
>>>>    and
>>>>    respectively.
>>>>    Is this correct? If this is the case, please note that
>>>> PROF-CONNEG still has
>>>>    (see
>>>>    I'm going to create a PR to fix this.
>>>>    Andrea
>>>>    ----
>>>>    Andrea Perego, Ph.D.
>>>>    Scientific / Technical Project Officer
>>>>    European Commission DG JRC
>>>>    Directorate B - Growth and Innovation
>>>>    Unit B6 - Digital Economy
>>>>    Via E. Fermi, 2749 - TP 262
>>>>    21027 Ispra VA, Italy
>>>>    ----
>>>>    The views expressed are purely those of the writer and may
>>>>    not in any circumstances be regarded as stating an official
>>>>    position of the European Commission.
>>>>    -----Original Message-----
>>>>    From: Karen Coyle []
>>>>    Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2018 4:35 PM
>>>>    To: <>
>>>>    Subject: ACTION on ALL - FPWDs
>>>>    All,
>>>>    We have two documents that are ready to be issued as First Public
>>>>    Working Drafts,[1] [2]  and we want to promote them to this at the
>>>>    meeting on November 13.[3] The ACTION on everyone is to READ these
>>>>    documents and let us know IMMEDIATELY if you see a serious
>>>> problem that
>>>>    would keep either of these from being published. Remember that a
>>>> FPWD is
>>>>    a DRAFT and that anything can change in future drafts. The purpose of
>>>>    the draft is to solicit comments from the community on the
>>>> direction of
>>>>    the work.
>>>>    You can also comment on the content of the drafts where you see
>>>> the need
>>>>    for modifications to future drafts, and we will create github
>>>> issues and
>>>>    discuss these, but these comments will not delay the FPWD.
>>>>    We will take a consensus vote on these at the meeting. If you are
>>>>    sending regrets, please also let us know how you would vote on
>>>> these drafts:
>>>>    +1 issue as FPWD
>>>>    0 abstain (but don't object)
>>>>    -1 object (and give your reason in enough detail that it can be
>>>> addressed)
>>>>    kc
>>>>    [1]
>>>>    [2]
>>>>    [3]
>>>>    --
>>>>    Karen Coyle
>>>> <>
>>>>    m: 1-510-435-8234 (Signal)
>>>>    skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600
>> -- 
>> Karen Coyle
>> <>
>> m: 1-510-435-8234 (Signal)
>> skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234 (Signal)
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Received on Sunday, 18 November 2018 17:53:22 UTC