Re: [dxwg] Provide guidance discouraging usage of blank nodes

@jakubklimek  wrote
> Explain the disadvantages of using blank nodes - impossible to link, different identifiers with each access

I guess the following sentence taken from the book [Leigh Dodds,
Ian Davis; Linked Data Patterns A pattern catalogue for modelling, publishing, and consuming Linked Data, chapter 2]( might help.

> RDF allows resources to have global identifiers or to be un-named "blank nodes". While blank nodes may offer flexibility for some use cases, in a Linked Data context blank nodes limit our ability to collaboratively annotate data. A blank node cannot be the target of a link and we can't annotate it with new information from new sources. As one of the biggest benefits of the Linked Data approach is that "anyone can say anything anywhere", use of blank nodes undermines some of the advantages we can gain from wide adoption of the RDF model. Even within the closed world of a single application dataset, use of blank nodes can quickly become limiting when integrating new data.


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Received on Wednesday, 22 August 2018 15:45:01 UTC