Re: Suggested topics for upcoming Vocabulary Meeting


Regarding #1, I wasn't suggesting we write an entire stack of
documentation similar to PROV :-) ,  PROV is extensive because it was
designed to support any community whether they on the web or
otherwise.  PROV has been mentioned on at least several occasions
since the the F2F1 as something that DWBP can leverage.   If PROV is
leveraged is the PROV-DM conceptual model leveraged or the specific
PROV-O (PROV Ontology) implementation?    I think we just need to be
specific.  Also if we are writing RDF vocabularies what steps do we
take to make sure we are serving the entire DWBP audience and not just
the linked data community are being served?   I don't think this is
something the vocabulary teams can decide themselves, its something
that needs to be considered at the working group level.

#2  sounds good.


On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 11:15 PM, Antoine Isaac <> wrote:
> Hi,
> On #1 I don't think we need a specific data model document. Prov is really
> complex, I guess that's why they opted for describing the model in
> isolation, and then tried to justified all their choices in the various
> implementations. Hopefully our choices will be easier to explain/understand.
> Note that with our audience (many people who don't master the concepts of
> linked data, or are even still wondering, what data they should publish, if
> I get it right) I'd say that if we come to something that would need the
> structure of the PROV documentation, then we've failed.
> On #2 yes this is relevant, but well usually it's done at a later stage. And
> if we use the right tools in the process (reSpec) then it should be
> relatively alright.
> In any case if you are now considering these questions, it makes sense to
> discuss them further.
> Cheers,
> Antoine
> On 7/7/14 2:59 PM, Eric Stephan wrote:
>> Here are two suggested items for our upcoming vocabulary meeting this
>> week:
>> 1) Vocabulary development methodology - Are vocabularies being defined
>> going to need separate concept model working drafts?   Because we are
>> supporting data on the web this seems appropriate.  The W3C PROV
>> Working Group produced a family of documents [1] to support the
>> provenance vocabulary.     Prior to writing specific vocabulary
>> implementation working drafts an underlying conceptual model called
>> the PROV Data Model working draft [2] was developed.  As PROV
>> implementation working drafts [3,4,5] were developed any changes that
>> affected the underlying PROV Data Model were coordinated so that
>> synchronization was maintained with the underlying conceptual model.
>> 2) Publication policies and standards [6,7]  After some digging I
>> found some resources for publishing technical documents.  Perhaps we
>> could get some guidance on the best path forward for developing our
>> working drafts and making sure they are consistent.
>> References
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> [4]
>> [5] (this
>> was only a submission)
>> [6]
>> [7]

Received on Wednesday, 9 July 2014 14:09:50 UTC