Re: draft text for charter

> On 13 Feb 2017, at 07:21, Avneesh Singh <> wrote:
> "A final thing: during our latest call somebody raised the issue of what the fate of the W3C accessibility note, as well as the EPUB accessibility document will be. Your text may not cover that.
> To take an example, the DPUB WG may not address pagination directly, because that may be, after all, in the realm of the CSS WG + Houdini, therefore none of our recommendation will cover the pagination-related a11y issues. I think one alternative was that we would discuss with the WCAG WG on whether the DPUB WG would publish, on rec-track, a separate WCAG-like document; what happened to that idea?"
> Hi Ivan,
> The text is more of generalized statement for charter. This is why we did not wrote specifics.

That is fine.

> The issues mentioned by you (future of EPUB accessibility spec., DPUB accessibility note etc.) have to be resolved along with DPUB group.
> If you want us to include these points in the charter text proposal, we can do it. Else if you want us to iron these out as agenda item of IG call, we can proceed in that way.

To be honest I am not sure either. My thought *at this moment* :-) is that this text should be incorporated into the charter as a specific pull request (I can do that later today) and concentrate on the issue of the other work explicitly on the call (and we can decide whether this is then proposed into the charter text or not).

But even if this is the way we go, it would help in our discussion with the WCAG WG to have a 1-2 sentence of what separate deliverable we would propose, and how exactly that would relate to WCAG.



> With regards
> Avneesh
> With regards
> Avneesh
> -----Original Message----- From: Ivan Herman
> Sent: Monday, February 13, 2017 11:40
> To: Avneesh Singh
> Cc: George Kerscher ; Deborah Kaplan ;
> Subject: Re: draft text for charter

Ivan Herman, W3C
Publishing@W3C Technical Lead
mobile: +31-641044153

Received on Monday, 13 February 2017 06:30:36 UTC