Re: [latinreq] ED 2014-03-12 comments

>> 3. Section 11, Tables
>> Should the text say something about the practice of using lining figures
>> in tables?
> Is there widespread agreement about this? Lots of books use old-style
> figures in tables, and some fonts even include old-style tabular figures.
> Financial tables may have very different requirements than scientific
> tables. I'd welcome input from subject matter experts about this.

Strictly speaking lining/non-lining and tabular/proportional figures are
all matters of personal preference, though it's obviously best practice to
create tables with tabular, rather than proportional figures.

The CSS fonts module deals with this in some detail:

According to Mozilla there are already some vendor prefixes that work:

All purely academic unless the font used supports these Open Type features
of course.

Received on Wednesday, 25 June 2014 13:59:19 UTC