Re: [dpub-arch] meeting minutes

Sorry about that Deborah – was writing from memory!

ISO policy doesn’t make process docs available to the public.

I have all of them – going back to the first meetings – and will try to put something together to share with the important/relevant bits.   I’ll try to get this done for our next meeting.


From: Deborah Kaplan <<>>
Date: Friday, February 5, 2016 at 2:02 AM
To: Leonard Rosenthol <<>>
Cc: "Siegman, Tzviya - Hoboken" <<>>, "DPUB mailing list (<>)" <<>>
Subject: Re: [dpub-arch] meeting minutes

On Thu, Feb 4, 2016 at 1:28 PM, Leonard Rosenthol <<>> wrote:
I just want to clarify that the point of providing that presentation wasn’t to suggest that the archivable version of a PWP be PDF/A…

Instead it was to say, as Tim did in the minutes, that a LOT OF TIME was spent with archivists around the world over the last 10+ years of PDF/A to understand their requirements for archiving digital content (esp documents).  So starting with the learnings there would get you a big leg up w/o having to reinvent the wheel of asking the same questions over again.

That was me, actually. I'll double check to make sure the minutes are accurate.

But on that note, Leonard, I was wondering if any of the working documents from the PDF/A process were available? I'd mentioned during the meeting that I'd looked for them and not found any process docs, just final product. If we can see use cases, requirements, etc from the PDF/A spec development, that's a big wheel to not reinvent.


Received on Friday, 5 February 2016 04:09:13 UTC