draft agenda, DPUB IG concall 20140609 15UTC


Below is a draft agenda for Monday's IG concall, which will be held at 15:00
UTC [0] (08:00 PST, 17:00 CET, 11:00 EST).

A scribe is needed as usual -- if you are willing to do the job, just send
us an email in advance of the call.


- Approval of previous meeting minutes [1].

- Layout and Styling taskforce status update
 * latinReq draft [2]
 * ongoing CSS WG work (GCPM et. al)
 * next steps/topics
 * help needed?

- Proposed changes to task force names [3], cont'd from last week [3]



[1] http://www.w3.org/2014/06/02-dpub-minutes.html

[2] http://w3c.github.io/dpub-pagination/

[3] Proposed renaming of the task forces to better align them with desired
goals and outcomes (background and discussion on call):

Layout and Styling -> Aesthetics/Ergonomy: Layout and styling has the goal
of improving the aesthetics of the visual presentation of the material. But
in addition, much of what publishers consider as aesthetics (like widow
control) is rooted in ergonomic issues, ie, to make the reading experience
as easy as possible.

Metadata -> Discovery: Encouraging more professionally-published content
(starting with books) to be on the open web, even at the metadata level, is
an important hedge against a monoculture, and a critical way for publishers
to stay relevant.

Content & Markup -> Semantics: This is a loaded term; alternatives would be

Annotation -> No change

Accessibility -> No change

STEM -> Discussion welcome as this was re-started recently.

Joining the telcon


To join this telecon, use the following logistics:

The Zakim bridge number is +1.617.761.6200.

the code conference is 3782 ("DPUB"), followed by the # key.

SIP access to Zakim is available via a gateway; see instructions [11]

and user-contributed tips [12].

We will also use an IRC channel to minute the discussions:

Address:  irc.w3.org

Available ports (choose one): 6667, 6665, 21

IRC channel: #dpub

See how to connect [13] using an IRC client [14] or our web interface [15]

User Instructions for Zakim [16]

   To mute your line press 61#. Unmute is 60#.

   To place yourself on the speaker queue ('q+' in irc)

   press 41# (Hand up). Unqueue ('q-' in irc) is 40#.

   You may signal for W3C admin assistance with *0

   (only during W3C/MIT office hours).

Resources that you may need to read to prepare this meeting


 * Digital Publishing Interest Group home page


* Digital Publishing Interest Group Wiki


* Digital Publishing Interest Group Charter


* IG Task forces


[11] http://www.w3.org/2006/tools/wiki/Zakim-SIP

[12] http://www.w3.org/2006/tools/wiki/Zakim-SIP-tips

[13] http://www.w3.org/Project/IRC/

[14] http://www.w3.org/Project/IRC/#Client

[15] http://irc.w3.org/

[16] http://www.w3.org/2002/01/UsingZakim

Received on Sunday, 8 June 2014 19:16:00 UTC