CfC: publish updated WD of Proximity and Ambient Light; respond by 15 July 2015

Hi all,

This is a Call for Consensus (CfC)  to publish updated working drafts on 23 July 2015 for the following two specifications:

(1) "Ambient Light Events"

(2) "Proximity Events"

The purpose of this publication is to update the status sections to clarify that the specifications are not stable and that we anticipate them being based on the Generic Sensor API. The added text also encourages participation.

Please respond to this CfC (even a +1 is useful) by 15 July 2015 (1 week).  Silence will be considered agreement.

Much thanks to Anssi for preparing the publication drafts.

regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch
Chair, W3C Device APIs WG (DAP)

Received on Wednesday, 8 July 2015 14:03:11 UTC