from August 2016 by subject

[accelerometer] includeGravity parameter turns low-level sensor into high-level fused one.

[accelerometer] Normative reference to WebIDL-1 is missing

[ambient-light] Security and Privacy considerations for ALS

[gyroscope] Normative reference to WebIDL-1 is missing

[magnetometer] Normative reference to WebIDL-1 is missing

[sensors] Addressing finger printing concerns for sensor APIs

[sensors] Clarifying the behavior of suspending or pausing sensors upon inactivity.

[sensors] is doing weird things with frequency

Closed: [accelerometer] Normative reference to WebIDL-1 is missing

Closed: [gyroscope] Normative reference to WebIDL-1 is missing

Closed: [magnetometer] Normative reference to WebIDL-1 is missing

Closed: [sensors] Clarifying the behavior of suspending or pausing sensors upon inactivity.

Last message date: Wednesday, 31 August 2016 13:35:54 UTC