Re: TPAC session

I really like this direction. I think it's (finally) starting to define a concrete path towards integration of X3DOM and XML3D  AND HTML5. 
Kristian (if you agree) please add the following text to the W3C page: 

The declarative graphics approach is key to leveraging the Web application development infrastructure that is increasingly widespread. By putting most graphic elements directly in the DOM
we gain access to the huge Web development infrastructure and can produce graphic applications that appear as normal as any web based application. We also have
made good progress integrating massive amounts of graphics data, e.g.  large scale CAD meshes, with declarative graphics.  Graphics appropriate for the DOM goes there and graphics not appropriate for the DOM is accessible but not slowed by unnecessary DOM access.


On Oct 15, 2012, at 9:52 AM, Kristian Sons wrote:

> Dear all,
> I just proposed a session for TPAC this year:
> Please feel free to improve the proposal (if you don't have a W3C 
> account, just send me your changes).
> I think this could be good discussion as follow-up to the discussions we 
> had at the Declarative 3D workshops at WWW and Web3D conferences. I hope 
> we'll be able to gain some interest within W3C. I tried this by showing:
> * there is large interest in Dec3D
> * that Dec3D could be a bridge between W3C technologies and 3D APIs
> * that support for Polyfill implementations could be interesting for 
> other domains as well
> * we have good connections to the Browser vendor's WebGL teams and Khronos
> Let's see, what happens. Would be great to have a pre-selected session, 
> because this guarantees a room.
> Best regards,
> Kristian
> --
> ________________________________________________________
> Kristian Sons
> Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH, DFKI
> Agenten und Simulierte Realität
> Campus, Geb. D 3 2, Raum 0.77
> 66123 Saarbrücken, Germany
> Phone: +49 681 85775-3833
> Phone: +49 681 302-3833
> Fax:   +49 681 85775–2235
> Geschäftsführung: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Wahlster (Vorsitzender)
> Dr. Walter Olthoff
> Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Prof. Dr. h.c. Hans A. Aukes
> Amtsgericht Kaiserslautern, HRB 2313
> ________________________________________________________

Sandy Ressler
High Performance Computing and Visualization Group
National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Drive, STOP 8911
Gaithersburg MD, 20899
(301) 975-3549 Fax: (301) 975-3218

Received on Monday, 15 October 2012 14:34:35 UTC