Meeting Summary - 21 May 2007

[Weekly conference call, 21 May 2007.] Vocabulary process to be active this month. Taskforces to be set up. Seed IDL. F2F schedule. Details follow:

[Vocabulary Process] Following a short assessment of the proposed Core Vocabulary Process, a decision was taken to launch the process in public. This means setting up a Web form via which anyone can contribute, subject to having or obtaining a W3C account. If necessary, the form will also have an email equivalent. Contributions will be semi-formal. It will be the responsibility of the DDWG members to process the contributions. The form will be accompanied by an example to illustrate the process. Discussion of the contributions will take place on a public email list. It is hoped that the process will be running before the end of the month.

[November F2F] The group agreed to co-locate a face-to-face meeting with the W3C Technical Plenary scheduled for November.

[Summer F2F] The timing of the summer face-to-face provides some scheduling challenges. Following an examination of the options, a late July meeting appears to be the leading preference, but we need to take a poll of the group to be sure. Getting a venue will be the next challenge. Given the decision attend the November TP (in Boston), a European venue for summer is indicated.

[Group Status] The recently blogged group status was seen as a fair reflection of the work to date. Group members were encouraged to take a more active part in the group blog.

[Taskforce] In order to focus on particular issues, the Chair proposed that one or more taskforces be established within the group. These would comprise people who had particular expertise and experience relevant to the task. The first taskforce to be set up will be one to examine the issue of a "key" to represent the context (device and/or software) in which data is stored or retrieved.

[Seed IDL] An initial IDL for a minimal repository was circulated on the public list to foster discussion. The group is now consuming this new material and is expected to respond later.

[Documents] Two of the legacy documents have not progressed recently, but the Requirements document has moved since the recent F2F. New material is being entered into the wiki this week. The editing is taking place on the wiki in order to provide a public view of the process. The final document will be derived from the wiki and represented in the normal HTML format used for official W3C documents. The API document is expected to progress once the IDL discussion gets under way.

[New Actions] (ACTION-40) Rotan to work with Cedric to get form set up this week. (ACTION-41) Rotan to take e-mail poll about July f2f. (ACTION-42) Rotan to contact DanA/Vodafone about possibility of hosting next f2f at Vodafone. (ACTION-43) Rotan to initiate TF to investigate resolving key issue. (ACTION-44) Kevin to update the Wiki pages with notes he has take on Requirements doc.

Pontus Carlsson (Drutt)
Dimitar Denev (Fraunhofer)
Anders Ekstrand (Drutt)
Jose Manuel Cantera Fonseca (Telefónica)
Rotan Hanrahan (MobileAware)
Martin Jones (Volantis)
Cedric Kiss (W3C)
Jo Rabin (dotMobi)
Kevin Smith (Vodafone)
Mike Smith (W3C)

Received on Thursday, 24 May 2007 10:57:59 UTC