Re: chair candidate: Nic Gibson and initial work items

Is “datapipes” sufficiently distinct from “Datapipe”?

There’s a possibly conflicting “Data Pipes” at

Maybe not a huge problem.

I thought about a logo for datapipes and came up with this:

It’s simply two Bauhaus 93 letters with kerning and vertical positioning 
adjusted. It looks like there’s some magic connection between the 
unconnected pipes that are represented by the geometric, rounded letters 
of d and p. It somewhat resembles the Apple (Control) key, too. And I 
have some deja vu with this logo. But maybe this is a good sign.


On 15.02.2016 19:35, Nic Gibson wrote:
> I’ve always been vaguely uncomfortable with the ‘Proc’ part of the name (think Proctology I guess).  DataPipe is a managed hosting services provider. I think we should at least attempt to work out a name that is uncommon.
> nic
> --
> Corbas Consulting / @CorbasLtd
> Digital Publishing Consultancy and Training
>, +44 (0)7718 906817/+44 (0)1273 930765
>> On 15 Feb 2016, at 16:02, Florent Georges <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> It might be used as well, but what about Data Pipe?  Might be more
>> suggestive than "Xxx Proc"?
>> Regards,
>> --
>> Florent Georges
>> On 15 February 2016 at 16:53, James Fuller wrote:
>>> they may use it, but there is no registered trademark (as far as I can tell).
>>> On 15 February 2016 at 16:50, - - <> wrote:
>>>> Unfortunately, "Dataproc" is already used by Google:
>>>> ...
>>>> Alain Couthures
>>>> Le 15 février 2016 à 15:39, James Fuller <> a écrit :
>>>> At XML Prague Gerrit Imsieke, Alex Milowski, and I discussed with Nic
>>>> Gibson and he was amenable to the idea of chairing this community
>>>> group (in the short term).
>>>> So I formally put forward Nic Gibson as chair candidate.
>>>> The proposed work items:
>>>> * shepherd and drive XML syntax
>>>> * gather corpus of use cases
>>>> * rename XProc - the current suggestion is DataProc
>>>> Jim Fuller

Gerrit Imsieke
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Geschäftsführer: Gerrit Imsieke, Svea Jelonek,
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Received on Tuesday, 16 February 2016 01:45:47 UTC