Re: implementing paths for SHACL

I'm not sure that "working" means.  My implementation handles paths so it is
working with them.

If you mean a SHACL shape that uses paths, here is a shape for at least three

threegc a sh:Shape ;
 sh:propValues ( ( ex:child ex:child ) [ a sh:Shape ; sh:minCount 3 ] ) .

I do not believe that the current core SHACL can do this at all.


On 03/23/2016 11:19 PM, Simon Steyskal wrote:
> Hi!
>> I had thought that implementing paths for SHACL would be hard, with lots of
>> changes required.   It turned out to be not nearly as hard as I expected in my
>> implementation.
> I'm very happy to hear that!
> Could you provide a minimal working example using paths?
> regards,
> simon
> ---
> DDipl.-Ing. Simon Steyskal
> Institute for Information Business, WU Vienna
> www:  twitter: @simonsteys
> Am 2016-03-23 17:00, schrieb Peter F. Patel-Schneider:
>> I had thought that implementing paths for SHACL would be hard, with lots of
>> changes required.   It turned out to be not nearly as hard as I expected in my
>> implementation.
>> The core of the implementation of paths is a function that converts a path
>> (however the syntax is defined) into a string that can be used as a SPARQL
>> path.  Then instead of using an IRI as the predicate in triple patterns just
>> use the result of this function.  I ended up with nine places where this was
>> needed, two each in sh:equals, sh:notEquals, sh:lessThan, and
>> sh:lessThanOrEquals and one in sh:propValues.
>> There is a little bit more that has to be done if a path is used elsewhere.
>> My conversion function ended up being roughly
>> def parttoSPARQL(g,part) :
>>     result =  ("^"+g.value(part,SH.inverse).n3()) \
>>               if (part,SH.inverse,None) in g else part.n3()
>>     return result
>> def pathtoSPARQL(g,value) :
>>     if (value,,None) in g :
>>         path = [ parttoSPARQL(g,part) for part in listElements(g,value) ]
>>         return Literal("/".join(path))
>>     else : return parttoSPARQL(g,value)
>> peter

Received on Thursday, 24 March 2016 14:21:02 UTC