
Hi all,

I am happy to join the RDF Data Shapes Working Group and looking forward to
contribute to it.

I am an associate professor at the University of Oviedo, Spain where I
founded the WESO (Web Semantics Oviedo) research group [1] since 2004. I
will represent the CTIC Foundation [2] in the working group as we have
established a collaboration agreement between our institutions.

Although I could not contribute to the mailing list until now, I have been
trying to follow the work that has been done. I have also been working in
one of the implementations of Shape Expressions called ShExcala [3] which
has been implemented in Scala and can be used as a command line tool or as
a Jar library in any JVM based language like Java or Scala.

I have also created an online demo tool of Shape Expressions called
RDFShape [4]


Best regards, Labra

Received on Thursday, 8 January 2015 10:16:19 UTC