Re: First Telecon for RDF Data Shapes WG

* Arnaud Le Hors <> [2014-10-08 16:24-0700]
> Hi all and welcome to the RDF Data Shapes WG!
> As you know we are set to have our first face to face meeting at TPAC on 
> October 30-31 in Santa Clara CA. That means we have a very short runway 
> before that and to make the meeting as productive as possible I would like 
> to try and have at least one teleconference before that so that we can 
> start learning about each other and what we need to do.
> I apologize for the short notice but I propose we have a call next 
> Wednesday (15 October) at 11am ET. I will update the WG page with the 
> details as soon as I've got write access - we're still trying to get 
> things set up evidently - but please try to accommodate.

I see that Arnaud has updated this page so folks should take a look.

I propose that folks review the Dublin Core Application Profiles
requirements to get some shared terminology. I've done my best to
create a hierarchical version faithful to their database. I hope this
is a bit easier to review <>.
The js I used to make expandable lists disables clicking on links so
you have to e.g. shift click in order to open in a new tab (sorry!).

Feel free to forward this to others who may be joining our Wed call.

> This will be an informal call so interested people who haven't joined yet 
> but are considering doing so can call in too.
> If you haven't registered for TPAC yet, online registration closes today 
> so you'll be stuck with trying to register on site. If that's your case, 
> please, do let us know now so we can still plan accordingly.
> Thank you.
> --
> Arnaud  Le Hors - Senior Technical Staff Member, Open Web Standards - IBM 
> Software Group


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Received on Monday, 13 October 2014 23:20:44 UTC