Re: Data Shapes WG Draft minutes for 30-31 October 2014

On Dec 18, 2014 1:36 AM, "Karen Coyle" <> wrote:
> It rather depends on what "annotate" and "query" mean. DC R-208 is about
providing human-readable documentation, and there is no expectation of that
having the structure of, for example, Open Annotation, nor is there a use
case for querying the documentation. I'd be interested to hear a more ample
explanation of what E08 was intended to be.

I recall it basically being about addressability. I recalled the
"annotations" in questions simply being turtles with the shape identifier
as either the subject or the object.

> kc
> On 12/17/14 3:26 PM, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
>> In any case, the approved requirement in the page I set up has both the
>> annotate part and the query part.  It may be that there is a different
>> DC requirement for the query part.  If so, that can be added at any
>> time, I think.
>> peter
>> On 12/17/2014 03:23 PM, Eric Prud'hommeaux wrote:
>>> * Peter F. Patel-Schneider <> [2014-12-11
>>> 13:27-0800]
>>>> RESOLUTION: accept E08 "Discover shapes" defn: "annotate shapes and
>>>> query over annotations"</strong>
>>>> I believe that this should be Dublin Core Requirement 208.
>>> Actually, I think it was a TODO note to myself to create an issue for
>>> it (which I failed to do). In light of that, does 208 still seem to be
>>> a good match?
>>> [[
>>> label:
>>> A place for human-readable documentation for properties
>>> alphanumeric ID:
>>> definition:
>>> Provide a documentation or comments area that is intended for human
>>> readers where a description of the property can be made. This could
>>> both define the property ("title - the title of the resource being
>>> described") as well as include other information ("date of publication
>>> - in most cases the date of publication is a four-digit year, however
>>> there are other dates used, such as month and year. As dates on the
>>> items may not be in any standard format, this is a simple text field.")
>>> ]] —
>>> <>
>>>> peter
> --
> Karen Coyle
> m: 1-510-435-8234
> skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Received on Thursday, 18 December 2014 06:19:53 UTC