Re: Decomposing a URI into its components

Thanks. Yes, this is what I did. However, I had to specify one rule for
each URI component:


{?rsc a foaf:Document; log:uri ?uri . ?uri string:matches
  "^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?"} => {

# Scheme

  {(?uri "^([^:/?#]+):") string:scrape ?scheme} => {?rsc uri:scheme
    ?scheme} .

# Authority

  {(?uri "//([^/?#]*)") string:scrape ?authority} => {
    ?rsc uri:authority ?authority .

# Userinfo

    {(?authority "^([^/?#]*)@") string:scrape ?userinfo} => {?rsc
      uri:userinfo ?userinfo} .

# Host

    {(?authority "([^/?#@:]*)(:[0-9]+)?$") string:scrape ?host} => {?rsc
      uri:host ?host} .

# Port

    {(?authority ":([0-9]+)") string:scrape ?port} => {?rsc uri:port
      ?port} .
  } .

# Path

  {(?uri "//[^/?#]*(/[^?#]*)") string:scrape ?path} => {?rsc uri:path
    ?path} .

# Query

  {(?uri "\\?([^#]*)") string:scrape ?query} => {?rsc uri:query ?query}

# Fragment identifier

  {(?uri "#([^#]*)") string:scrape ?fragment} => {?rsc uri:fragment
    ?fragment} .
} .


Can this be obtained in a simpler way?


Tim Berners-Lee wrote:
> You could use string:match   and string:scrape with regexps.
> Tim BL
> On 2007-04 -23, at 04:52, Andrea Perego wrote:
>> I'm trying to use N3+Cwm in order to decompose a URI into its components
>> (scheme, authority, path, etc.).
>> Suppose we have a resource
>> <> a foaf:Document .
>> and we wish to extend it as follows
>> <> a foaf:Document;
>>   uri:scheme   "http";
>>   uri:host     "";
>>   uri:path     "/example1";
>>   uri:query    "sec=1";
>>   uri:fragment "note2" .
>> Is it possible to obtain this through a rule? I checked Cwm's built-ins
>> (especially LOG and STRING), but I couldn't find any tip explaining how
>> this can be done.
>> Thanks
>> Andrea

Received on Monday, 14 May 2007 07:05:27 UTC