pls split turtle lexical details out of the grammar

The turtle grammar starts out all formal...
"This EBNF is the notation used in XML 1.0 second edition over an
alphabet of [UNICODE] characters."

but then it's not, really:

relativeURI ::= character* with escapes as defined in the N-Triples
section 3.3 URI References. This is then used as a relative URI and
resolved against the current base URI to give an absolute URI reference.

string ::= character* with escapes as defined in N-Triples section 3.2

I'd much rather have the lexical details specified separately
and have the grammar be a real formal grammar, suitable for
use with yacc or the equivalent.

By way of comparison/contrast, see
  $Id: rdfn3.g,v 1.18 2002/08/15 23:20:36 connolly Exp $

p.s. I see
"Turtle is a work in progress, and I am looking for feedback"

but I wasn't sure where you wanted the feedback sent. I was
going to copy www-archive, but then grammar engineering is
reasonably high on the cwm development agenda too, so I
copied public-cwm-talk.

Dan Connolly, W3C
see you at the WWW2004 in NY 17-22 May?

Received on Tuesday, 13 April 2004 12:16:54 UTC