Base Format: .cv2 [via CV 2.0 - Global Resume Community Group]

As proposed on August 23, 2015, we will continue with a base format using the
filename extension .cv2. The purpose of creating a .cv2 is to focus solely on
defining a universal and extensible resume format.

Existing solutions are based on one way to present a resume, thereby mostly
excluding other options, formats, and visualizations. Much like a passport has
all important data needed for travelling, a CV 2.0 represents a job passport
that can be filtered, printed, and viewed in several formats and

After some time, we will collaborate with other Working and Community Groups in
order to incorporate standards that are useful for integration into and adoption
of the CV 2.0.

Proposals for a .cv2 syntax and calls for contributions will be announced within
the next days.


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'Base Format: .cv2'

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Received on Wednesday, 9 September 2015 11:25:07 UTC