Creating mappings for RDF/JSON based on values of multiple columns

Hi - 

Based on the [historical weather observations example][1] I am working on, I've come across a difficulty.

The CSV has two columns `yyyy` and `mm` representing year and month relating to a given monthly observation record; e.g. 


I want to map the values of `yyyy` and `mm` into a single target; in this case an object representing the target month (expressed using the scheme from, e.g.

_:b1 sdmx:refPeriod <> .

I don't want to create triples for the `yyyy` and `mm` properties at all - only the aggregated property for `sdmx:refPeriod`.

(this overlaps a little with [Dan's email about RML capabilities][2] ... in my case I am trying to steer clear of external templating).

Any ideas?

Thanks, Jeremy


Received on Wednesday, 8 October 2014 09:35:41 UTC