use case: peel sessions

Hi Alf - thanks for all the great work so far in coming up with use cases for our work.

I've been looking at the Peel Sessions use case<> and scratching my head a little ... I'm probably getting the wrong end of the stick, but it sounds as though this data is not currently published in CSV form. As such it reads a bit like a wish list of "nice to haves". What I am hoping to get from the use cases are clear, concrete examples of where CSV is already the choice of format for their particular application and/or the limitations of working with Plain-Old-Tabular-Text (let's call them "POTT") files are inhibitors to productivity.

Is there anything unique about this use case that is not covered elsewhere?

If it does contain unique issues, can you develop this use case further along the lines discussed previously (narrative style etc.)

Many thanks, Jeremy

Received on Tuesday, 25 February 2014 22:11:06 UTC