Re: :target [via CSS Selectors as Fragment Identifiers Community Group]

At 16:05 +0100 3/5/12, Chris Lilley wrote:

>RB>  It won't be the only one, for instance I'm not
>RB> sure what :scope would do, or :hover for that matter.
>The user-interaction ones like :hover are already disallowed by the 
>draft spec.

    My feeling is that the spec should explicitly permit structural 
pseudo-classes, :not, and :lang.
    I may have argued otherwise in the past, can't remember now, but I 
feel like the UI element states are similar enough in concept to the 
dynamic states that they should be disallowed together.  Also, as 
pointed out, :target makes no damn sense unless we're aiming for some 
kind of linkception.
    We could invert the proposal by listing what's forbidden, but I 
prefer to list what's acceptable, for reasons of both philosophy and 

Eric A. Meyer (

Received on Monday, 5 March 2012 15:57:25 UTC