Re: text-baseline tests with 'sideways-lr' and 'sideways-rl'


Thank you for reviewing.

2015-12-04 6:51 GMT+09:00 Gérard Talbot <>:

> [Addendum: I just had a phone discussion with Elika and she agrees that we
> should split your tests.
> text-baseline-srl-008
> text-baseline-slr-009
> text-baseline-srl-010
> text-baseline-slr-011
> text-baseline-srl-012
> text-baseline-slr-013
> should be just testing the writing-mode versus dominant baseline used and
> then we should have another test making sure, verifying that
> text-orientation declarations have no effect whatsoever when the
> writing-mode is 'sideways-*'. As coded, your current
> text-baseline-s*-00[8-13] tests are testing 2 features at the same time and
> we think we should check each feature separately, in separate tests.
> Okay... I think we should adjust text-baseline-srl-008 and
> text-baseline-slr-009 accordingly.
OK, I see.

I have submitted.

- removed 'text-orientation' property from slr-009 and srl-008
- removed slr-[011|013] and srl-[010|012] from repository.

> Then create 4 tests using <div>月火水Abc<br />def木金土</div>: 1 writing mode
> test with 'writing-mode: sideways-rl' with 'text-orientation: upright' and
> 3 tests with 'writing-mode: sideways-lr' with 'text-orientation: [ mixed |
> upright | sideways ]' where those 4 tests check, make sure that
> 'text-orientation' declarations have no effect in those 4 'sideways-*'
> tests. Those 4 tests should probably go in section 5.1. Orienting Text: the
> 'text-orientation' property.
> Hajime, do you want to do this? I can do it if you prefer.
Yes, I want you to create these four tests.
Thank you with your help.

By the way I'm creating sideways-[lr|rl] test on the following existing
- inline-block-alignment
- vertical-alignment

Now I have the following pattern in my local computer for above two tests.

1. sideways-lr + mixed
2. sideways-lr + upright
3. sideways-lr + sideways
4. sideways-rl + mixed
5. sideways-rl + upright
6. sideways-rl + sideways

After I read your review, I think that I should have the following new
1. sideways-lr (no text-orientation property)
2. sideways-rl (no text-orientation property)

Do you think so?

# 塩澤 元 (Shiozawa, Hajime)
# mail:

Received on Saturday, 5 December 2015 08:33:56 UTC