Re: CSS3-text-decoration: text-decoration-line

Le Mar 12 février 2013 22:00, taka a écrit :
> Please review a series of the subject test cases as I submitted to
Shepherd below:
thanks in advance and regards,


line 5: <title>CSS Text Test: text-decoration-line</title>

For specifications other than CSS 2.1, you can include the module name
somewhere before the colon, like “CSS Selectors Test:” or “CSS Test
(Selectors):”. Do not include the module version number, since the test
might get reused for the next version.

So here,

<title>CSS Text Decoration Test: text-decoration-line - none</title>

is adequate.


line 12: <meta name="assert" content="Neither produces nor inhibits text
decoration." />

I suggest
<meta name="assert" content="This test checks that
'text-decoration-line: none' does not produce any text decoration." />

I have asked why the spec mentions "nor inhibits text decoration" part:
[CSS3] [text-decor] text-decoration-line: none

The "nor inhibits text decoration" part would require an ancestor box
with text-decoration declaration in your test.



line 14 to 23: as it is, downloading and processing a @font-face 8MB
font is inappropriate; mplus-1p-regular font (1.3MB) is better but still
not satisfactory. I have no complete solution ready and tested to
propose right now.


line 41:
<p>Test passes if no line is displayed.</p>

This can confuse testers: line can mean an horizontal rule or it can
mean a line of text. I propose

<p>Test passes if the 2 "Text sample
&#12469;&#12531;&#12503;&#12523;&#25991;" are underlined and

You can reuse such kind of pass/fail conditions sentence, formulation in
all your tests.

Contributions to the CSS 2.1 test suite:

CSS 2.1 Test suite RC6, March 23rd 2011:

CSS 2.1 test suite harness:

Contributing to to CSS 2.1 test suite:

Received on Thursday, 14 February 2013 22:57:34 UTC