Re: [css3-multicol] [css3-multicol] Review of multicol-rule-outset-000

Also sprach "Gérard Talbot":

 > 1-
 > In order to have really identical black bars, the default padding on
 > table-cell should be zero-ed, otherwise the bottom black bar will be 2px
 > taller. To an human, there is no difference but to a software, there
 > will be one.
 > When switching back and forth from the test file to the reference file,
 > such difference is noticeable.

Indeed. Fixed.

 > 2-
 > line 25:  column-rule: 10px inset lime;
 > }
 > td { border-right: 10px outset lime }
 > td + td { border-left: 10px outset lime; border-right: none }

They should all be "outset", I believe. Updated.

 > When 2 adjacent (consecutive) table-cells have the same border-width,
 > same color and same style, then the leftmost one wins.
 > "
 > When two elements of the same type conflict, then the one further to the
 > left (if the table's 'direction' is 'ltr'; right, if it is 'rtl') and
 > further to the top wins.
 > "
 > Border conflict resolution
 > So, the border-right should win; the table should have a 10px outset
 > lime border which should look like groove [1] while the multi-colum has
 > an 10px inset lime one. So, how could both borders (from the
 > multi-column-rule and from the table) look identical?
 > [1]: "*outset
 >     In the separated borders model, the border makes the entire box look
 > as though it were coming out of the canvas. In the collapsing border
 > model, drawn the same as 'groove'."
 > In my opinion, the test is incorrect.
 > 3-
 > line 33: The two horizontal bars below should be identical.
 > This should be wrapped in a <p>. And "below" word can be safely removed.


              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª        

Received on Monday, 5 August 2013 19:39:35 UTC