Testing border-radius

In Test the Web Forward@Beijing, it was mentioned that the tests written
should fail even when the browser doesn't support that feature *at all*.
I am wondering if this is necessary because it is not at all
straightforward how you do this for 'border-radius'.

The idea I just suggested to a participant is to add something like

  <div id="dummy">
    You would not see this if your browser supports 'border-radius'.

  #dummy {
    border-radius: 500em;
    width: 10000em;
    height: 10000em;
    overflow: hidden; /* the text would be clipped */

to the test and not to the reference, but as the name suggests, it's
quite dummy.

Given all browsers support 'border-radius' without prefix now, is
something like the thingy above still necessary? And does anyone have a
better idea?

Web Specialist, Oupeng Browser, Beijing
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Received on Sunday, 21 October 2012 07:45:23 UTC