Re: CSS2.1 i18n and bidi tests for review

On Sat, 05 Jul 2008 11:30:04 +0200, Bert Bos <> wrote:

> fantasai wrote:
>>   Same comments about background-color etc.. but I think we need
>>   a spec clarification here before I can review the content of
>>   the test. I would expect :lang to be case-insensitive because
>>   the language codes are... But that's not specified in the spec,
>>   so.. I guess I'll have to file an issue.
> Section 5.11.4 indeed doesn't say that the argument of ':lang()' is  
> case-insensitive, but I don't think it should. The selector matches  
> whatever the document defines to be its language, and although we hope  
> and recommend that every document uses RFC 4646 (and the selector  
> clearly works best if it does), we don't require that.
> This test case uses HTML and HTTP, which do use that RFC, and thus the  
> language codes in this test case are indeed case-insensitive.
> I think it is correct to test for that, because CSS says (4.1.3) that it  
> defers to the document for the case-sensitivity of text that comes from  
> the document. I.e., a CSS UA that fails this test case is indeed  
> non-conforming.

I agree. I spent some time tracking down justifications for either  
interpretation before deciding to test for this, but ended up with the  
same conclusion, defer to document. I also discussed briefly with Hixie,  
who agrees too.

Eira Monstad

Furthermore, it is my opinion that BTS2 must be destroyed

Received on Saturday, 5 July 2008 22:11:06 UTC