[MINUTES] W3C Credentials CG Call - 2019-06-18 12pm ET

Thanks to  for scribing this week! The minutes
for this week's Credentials CG telecon are now available:


Full text of the discussion follows for W3C archival purposes.
Audio from the meeting is available as well (link provided below).

Credentials CG Telecon Minutes for 2019-06-18

  1. Introductions and Reintroductions
  2. Announcements and reminders
  3. Action Items
  4. Work item repair
  Christopher Allen and Joe Andrieu and Kim Hamilton Duffy
  Kim Hamilton Duffy, Christopher Allen, Ted Thibodeau, Joe 
  Andrieu, Vaughan Emery, Kayode Ezike, Heather Vescent, Moses Ma, 
  Markus Sabadello, Jeff Orgel, James Anderson, Drummond Reed, Dave 
  Longley, Jonathan Holt

Vaughan Emery: Present +
Joe Andrieu:  Introductions and reintroductions [scribe assist by 
  Markus Sabadello]
Markus Sabadello: Intro: James from ..?

Topic: Introductions and Reintroductions

Markus Sabadello: Intro: Daniel (?) from Workday
James Anderson:  I do Cyber and Identity Strategy [scribe assist 
  by Markus Sabadello]
Markus Sabadello: Reintroduction: kimhd
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Co-chair of CCG, steering committee of 
  Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF), board of 
  Rebooting-the-web-of-Trust [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Working at MIT on a credentialing scheme, 
  based on standards and principles of this group [scribe assist by 
  Markus Sabadello]
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  In the past, created blockcerts, earlier 
  version of the standards we're discussing here [scribe assist by 
  Markus Sabadello]

Topic: Announcements and reminders

Joe Andrieu:  Regular call to work on DID Spec work every 
  Thursday [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Markus Sabadello: Meeting page: 
Joe Andrieu:  Next Rebooting-the-web-of-trust will be in Prague 
  [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Markus Sabadello: 
Markus Sabadello:  Planning pre-RWoT meetup page in Vienna Sep 1 
  to meet local Austrian identity community [scribe assist by 
  Markus Sabadello]
Joe Andrieu:  TPAC 2019 is Sep 16-20 in Fukuoka, Japan [scribe 
  assist by Markus Sabadello]
Joe Andrieu:  CCG chairs probably will not make it there, but 
  we're planning a DID WG meeting [scribe assist by Markus 

Topic: Action Items

Joe Andrieu: 
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  #44 And #43, issues around security model / 
  threat model of DIDs, requesting clarity on correlation [scribe 
  assist by Markus Sabadello]
Christopher Allen: +1
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Have been lingering for a while... if no 
  progress soon: propose to turn them into DID spec issues so they 
  can be addressed in the DID WG [scribe assist by Markus 
Christopher Allen: Maybe use new GitHub move issue feature.
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  I.e. close them in a week or so [scribe 
  assist by Markus Sabadello]
Kim Hamilton Duffy: 
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  We've been having breakout sessions to work 
  on DID WG charter, triage issues [scribe assist by Markus 
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Closed about half of the issues (many 
  editorial), still some remaining [scribe assist by Markus 
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  This is a good opportunity to get involved! 
  [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  If you want to help, click on above link to 
  see the issues and feel free to contribute. Ask kimhd if you have 
  any questions. [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Kim Hamilton Duffy: 
Kim Hamilton Duffy: 
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  This is our list of work items [scribe 
  assist by Markus Sabadello]
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Both ongoing and completed ones. [scribe 
  assist by Markus Sabadello]
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  We try to capture the efforts the group has 
  done historically, so we can look and find historical work items. 
  [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  You can help here too, help to update the 
  list [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Joe Andrieu: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/community/issues/45

Topic: Work item repair

Joe Andrieu:  We identified 5 work items in that issue, what's 
  the current status? [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Christopher Allen:  These work items were approved in previous 
  meetings, but we don't have solid progress or editors or idea 
  where things are going [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Christopher Allen:  We'd like to get an idea if we continue to 
  put time into these [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Kim Hamilton Duffy: 
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  
  may be a better resource right now than 
  https://github.com/w3c-ccg/community/issues/45 [scribe assist by 
  Markus Sabadello]
Joe Andrieu:  Let's go over those 5 issues, have been in 
  unchanged state for 6 months [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Joe Andrieu:  Item 1: DID Engagement spreadsheet, there should be 
  a Google doc, not sure where [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Joe Andrieu: Ah... there is a URL. the first link in the table. 
Christopher Allen:  Suggest we try to find a new editor for this 
  [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Christopher Allen:  Idea of this work: Who and where and how do 
  various parties use DIDs? [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Christopher Allen:  Get an inventory of things; if we can't find 
  an editor, we should close [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Joe Andrieu:  Will reach out to see if someone is interested to 
  move this along. [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Joe Andrieu:  Volunteers? [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Joe Andrieu:  Item 2: Digital Verification Specifications [scribe 
  assist by Markus Sabadello]
Christopher Allen:  This is a separate task force, haven't done a 
  great job keeping track of status [scribe assist by Markus 
Christopher Allen:  Perhaps we should move this and list it as a 
  "Draft Note", or other work item path, and officially list it 
  [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Christopher Allen:  Has reached some level of completion, may be 
  close to final [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Joe Andrieu: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/credential-handler-api/
Joe Andrieu: 
Christopher Allen:  Item 3: Credential Handler API and Polyfill 
  [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Joe Andrieu:  This was developed by dlongley et al. at Digital 
  Bazaar [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Joe Andrieu:  Will reach out via email to check on status [scribe 
  assist by Markus Sabadello]
Heather Vescent: Dave Longley is joining momentarily
Christopher Allen:  I know some people are working on updating 
  RSA and secp256k1 digital verification specs [scribe assist by 
  Markus Sabadello]
Markus Sabadello: Are we talking about this? 
Christopher Allen:  There's been some work on reconciling names 
  [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Christopher Allen:  Where are the specs for these? [scribe assist 
  by Markus Sabadello]
Markus Sabadello:  We've known for a while this needs work. 
  [scribe assist by Joe Andrieu]
Joe Andrieu: ... We've done an update recently where we introduce 
  ecda secp2561, but still need the specification written
Joe Andrieu: ... The implementations here are various.
Joe Andrieu: ... Agree with Christopher that how it works right 
  now, process-wise needs work
Markus Sabadello: Recently we just added 
  "EcdsaSecp256k1Signature2019" (with no complete spec), simply to 
  get alignment on Bitcoin-based and Ethereum-based DID methods
Joe Andrieu:  Where are we with Credential Handler API? [scribe 
  assist by Markus Sabadello]
Dave Longley:  Spec is under CCG right now, right? People are 
  implementing against the spec. But the spec needs to be updated 
  and re-published. [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Dave Longley:  Are planning to put more effort into updating this 
  over the summer. [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Joe Andrieu:  Is the polyfill also under CCG or under Digital 
  Bazaar? [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Dave Longley:  Digital Bazaar, since that's an implementation 
  (open source) [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Christopher Allen:  This is a spec, but is it planning for a 
  concrete WG to take this on? [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Dave Longley:  Not at the moment, way forward would be for more 
  implementations to happen against that spec, to build up 
  ecosystem around it [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Dave Longley:  Then in the future it would go into WG for 
  browsers to implement. [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Christopher Allen:  Could it be on a "Commentary" track right 
  now? so it can be listed as a Community Report? [scribe assist by 
  Markus Sabadello]
Joe Andrieu:  Longer term, where would it go? [scribe assist by 
  Markus Sabadello]
Dave Longley:  Long term: Move it into WG (similar to what Web 
  Payments did: first CG, then WG, then implemented in browsers) 
  [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Joe Andrieu:  Sounds like "specification" track, not "commentary" 
  [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Christopher Allen:  Right [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Joe Andrieu:  How does this interface with other related efforts, 
  e.g. the various flavors of DID Auth that are happening [scribe 
  assist by Markus Sabadello]
Dave Longley:  This API can be used to do DID Auth [scribe assist 
  by Markus Sabadello]
Dave Longley:  Some politics around when is the right time.. Need 
  broader support by people who implement. Want to make sure it 
  remains generic and open [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Christopher Allen:  Perhaps we should include another editor 
  added, from another community that supports this work [scribe 
  assist by Markus Sabadello]
Christopher Allen:  Should add it into CCG Github, then publish 
  it as a draft report, with versioning [scribe assist by Markus 
Dave Longley: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/credential-handler-api/
Dave Longley:  It's in Respec format and published in CCG [scribe 
  assist by Markus Sabadello]
Markus Sabadello: ( JoeAndrieu  lost audio... )
Christopher Allen:  Before major next revision, can an editor be 
  added [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Joe Andrieu: Shoot. I'll call back in
Dave Longley:  Propose by the end of the summer to find editor 
  and publish next version [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Joe Andrieu:  Continue with work items 
  https://github.com/w3c-ccg/community/issues/45 [scribe assist by 
  Markus Sabadello]
Joe Andrieu:  Item 5: Engagement Model [scribe assist by Markus 
Joe Andrieu:  This document is mostly written as RWoT paper, but 
  needs to be converted to Respec format [scribe assist by Markus 
Joe Andrieu:  Any volunteers to help with Respec format? Then we 
  can publish it as a Note. [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  BillB has taken action item to look into 
  automatical spec text conversion tools. [scribe assist by Markus 
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Hope we can batch-convert documents (try 
  with a few test cases) [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  If anyone wants to help with spec text, that 
  would be great [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Markus Sabadello: Ajones_DB: Regarding Respec, we have templates 
  we have been using internally
Markus Sabadello: Ajones_DB: Programmatically generate results of 
  test frameworks
Heather Vescent: Rock on Andrew!
Markus Sabadello: Ajones_DB: Perhaps our tools have something in 
  common that we can use
Markus Sabadello: Ajones_DB: It's a Handlebars template, produces 
  Respec document from Mocha (?) test results
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Sounds good, please share [scribe assist by 
  Markus Sabadello]
Drummond Reed: Must leave the call early, but this is all good 
  news about ReSpec tools.
This code is a little out of date
But basically a custom mocha reporter outputs a json file which 
  is then used by handlebars.js
Kim Hamilton Duffy:  Let's sync up with ajones_DB and BillB to 
  see which tools we can use for Respec conversion [scribe assist 
  by Markus Sabadello]
Joe Andrieu:  Let's look at proposed new work items [scribe 
  assist by Markus Sabadello]
Joe Andrieu: 
Kim Hamilton Duffy: Here is the issue tracking the conversion 
  tool: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/community/issues/76
Kim Hamilton Duffy: It links to the conversion tool
Joe Andrieu:  4 Work items which have been proposed but not yet 
  accepted [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Christopher Allen:  Let's talk about #71 OpenPgpSignature2019 
  [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Christopher Allen:  This is another proposed new cryptographic 
  suite [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Ted Thibodeau: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/community/issues/71
Joe Andrieu:  This was proposed before we had simplified work 
  items [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Joe Andrieu:  @OR13 hasn't found a 2nd editor; this could be an 
  "informal" work item, we don't need to officially approve it 
  [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Joe Andrieu:  We should support it and accept as an "informal 
  work item". What exactly does this entail? [scribe assist by 
  Markus Sabadello]
Christopher Allen:  Without 2nd editor, it doesn't qualify as 
  official work item. So we should close and invite to resubmit 
  when there is a 2nd editor. [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Joe Andrieu:  But still, how can we support "informal" work 
  items? Perhaps give them a chance to introduce it as part of the 
  agenda of weekly CCG call? [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Christopher Allen:  My advice is, once it's more mature and has a 
  2nd editor, it should be officially announced. [scribe assist by 
  Markus Sabadello]
Christopher Allen:  We can still list it as an adjacent resource, 
  not everything has to be an "official" work item. [scribe assist 
  by Markus Sabadello]
Christopher Allen:  Suggest to add it to 
  https://w3c-ccg.github.io/ld-cryptosuite-registry/ [scribe assist 
  by Markus Sabadello]
Christopher Allen:  Does anyone have proposed work items that 
  should be discussed next week? [scribe assist by Markus 
Jonathan Holt:  What's the process of getting something into the 
  ld-cryptosuite-registry ? [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Joe Andrieu: 
Christopher Allen:  Every registry will have requirements for how 
  something gets into the registry [scribe assist by Markus 
Joe Andrieu:  The ld-cryptosuite-registry has a brief section 
  that explains this [scribe assist by Markus Sabadello]
Joe Andrieu:  Thank you all, cu next week [scribe assist by 
  Markus Sabadello]
Moses Ma: Bye everyone!

Received on Wednesday, 26 June 2019 04:38:41 UTC