Some Burning Questions on Decentralized Identity/Self-Sovereign Identity - Please help? -- Nathan Aw from Singapore

Hi all,

I am a blockchain engineer from Singapore. Been working on blockchain 3
years back and now looking at decentralized identity very, very seriously.

After studying and experimenting Hyperledger Indy on my machine, I
discovered that Indy is a great decentralized platform and I am keen to
evangelise this platform in this exciting part of the world - ASEAN.

However, I have some genuine burning questions on decentralized identity
and Indy. Please find questions below. Can someone help clarify, please?

1. Understand that Indy Node maintains a public permissioned distributed
ledger and arrives at consensus via RBFT. In this ledger (rocksDB), it
contains the transaction logs which are connection requests/proof request
correct? Key-value store.

2. Other than a trust anchor, what could be the reason (i.e., incentives)
for one to run a validator node? In short, why should anyone run a indy
validator node?

3. Since RBFT is the chosen consensus mechanism, what happens when more
than 1/3 of the nodes turn malicious? Highly unlikely of course but
assuming these nodes start to collude, etc, will the network come to a
screeching halt? i.e., one is unable to issue claims, verify claims, etc

4. I like to explore a pan ASEAN decentralized identity solution where
one's identity could be portable across the different ASEAN countries -- my
driver license registered in Singapore can be used in Indonesia, for
example. Can I assume that I need a Indy validator node in Indonesia as
well? What are the technical setup required for a pan ASEAN/supra nation

5. Understand that privacy risk is mitigated through the use of unique
pairwise DIDs with different trust anchors. pseudonym, that is. This is
achieved through ed25519 cryptographic primitive. Is this idea/concept
similar to public key private key relationship? Sort of mathematical
relationship? Lastly, Is ed25519 quantum resistance?

To be sure, Indy is a great platform and I am keen to evangelise this
platform. Hope someone can provide answers to the above questions.

Thank you.


Nathan Aw

Received on Thursday, 15 November 2018 17:06:36 UTC