DIF media coverage

For the past year we [Microsoft] have been participating in the
Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF) with individuals and
organizations who are similarly motivated to take on this challenge. We
are collaboratively developing the following key components:

* Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) – a W3C spec that defines a common
document format for describing the state of a Decentralized Identifier

* Identity Hubs – an encrypted identity datastore that features
message/intent relay, attestation handling, and identity-specific
compute endpoints.

* Verifiable Credentials – a W3C spec that defines a document format for
encoding DID-based attestations.

No mention of W3C VCWG or W3C CCG (other than links to the specs), no
mention of IIW, no mention of RWoT.

I leave it there w/o comment as we're all earmarking time to discuss how
DIF/Microsoft messaging is happening at RWoT and IIW.

-- manu


Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny)
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: The State of W3C Web Payments in 2017

Received on Saturday, 17 February 2018 03:01:53 UTC