Re: XML Error Recovery Community Group Launched

On Feb 12, 2012, at 16:44 , Dan Brickley wrote:
> On 12 February 2012 16:40,  <> wrote:
>> With your support, W3C has launched the XML Error Recovery Community Group and invites
>> you to join the group.
> Is something wrong in the group creation workflow? The page
> doesn't exist yet, despite the
> announcement. Makes it hard to send the link to interested parties.

I get the impression that it takes the intervention of a human being to actually flick the final switch; but the email gets sent as soon as we have five people.

> ps. imho XML has tolerated errors in documents for too long; I welcome
> this initiative towards setting things back on track...
> pps. erm, seriously this sounds like a very timely group, glad to see it formed

XML Prague is good at timeliness ;)

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Sunday, 12 February 2012 15:54:32 UTC