Re: Coremob Camera app hosting URL?

On 11 Feb 2013, at 9:08 PM, <> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> The latest code in the coremob repo is almost ready for the demo. (I probably still need small tweaks and bug fixes).
> I just added an icon too, but it is pretty ugly… I am not a visual designer, unfortunately…
> Currently, everything under /vanilla is made for the demo, but I will rewrite/clean the app after MWC to make it more standard for documentations.

Thanks for all your work on it, Tomomi!


> Now, I am wondering about deploying and the hosting URL-
> Tobie, 
> I think we've talked about using the, but I forgot if it is for the WMC demo, or for the docs.
> Should we just alias the coremob/camera/vanilla to the github repo?
> Dom,
> Do we actually need to build the whole app with the server code too?
> I thought the server would be separated and we're using CORS, but not sure how you did for the demo!
> Also, what is the URL for the gallery so we can upload pics and test!
> And IE10-
> So there is no way the web app works on IE10 Mobile on WP8, so I have created a PhoneGap version.
> The camera API works nicely, however, the WebView in WP is not the same as the IE10 so I needed to sacrificed some features like XHR2.
> I can't find any way to upload blobs using the current PhoneGap APIs, so I needed to disable the "upload" feature :-(
> If you have a WP8 device handy and would like to install the latest build, the cap file is at:
> Thanks,
> tomomi
> /* 
>  *  Tomomi Imura
>  *  HTML5 Evangelist - Developer Relations
>  *  Nokia Silicon Valley
>  * 
>  *
>  *  +1.408.368.6848
>  */

Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                                      +1 718 260 9447

Received on Tuesday, 12 February 2013 03:59:34 UTC