Let the user use her preferred format for input

Name: Magnus Burell
Email: magnus.burell@verva.se
Affiliation: Verva
Document: W2
Item Number: Success Criterion 3.3.2
Part of Item: 
Comment Type: technical
Summary of Issue: Let the user use her preferred format for input
Comment (Including rationale for any proposed change):
Is it not easier for the user if the requried format is corrected by the system without user involvement when applicable? For example a field for Telephone number. Phone numbers could be written separated by several characters (e.g. . / - () ). Separators are different in different countries. It is not difficult to let the system erase unnecessary separators. For example if the user input is ”+64(8)555-9999-33” then the system transform this into ”648555999933” or ”0064.8.555.999.933” or whatever format is needed, but the user do not need to worry about this. She can instead write phone numbers in the way she is used to.

This could of course be complemented by a text description of the format the system ”prefers”.

Proposed Change:

Received on Friday, 29 June 2007 12:20:20 UTC