Invalide test procedure

Name: Aurélien Levy
Affiliation: tektonika
Document: TD
Item Number: F15: Failure of SC 4.1.2 due to implementing custom controls that do not use...
Part of Item: Tests
Comment Type: general comment
Summary of Issue: Invalide test procedure
Comment (Including rationale for any proposed change):
Since, the AT have different support of non html technology like java and flash i can\'t use it to test this and sometimes i can\'t have access to source code or have the commercial product to open that code. Not everybody as a PC with Jaws 8 and Flash installed on it.

So, the result of this test is not Yes or No but more \"Maybe in some case it\'s accessible and maybe in some others it\'s not\"

Proposed Change:

Received on Tuesday, 26 June 2007 16:49:34 UTC