Definition of \"Technology\" should be changed to allow synchronization with AUWG\'s definition of \"content type\"

Name: Jan Richards (on behalf of WAI-AUWG)
Affiliation: WAI-AUWG
Document: W2
Item Number: Appendix A: Glossary
Part of Item: 
Comment Type: technical
Summary of Issue: Definition of \"Technology\" should be changed to allow synchronization with AUWG\'s definition of \"content type\"
Comment (Including rationale for any proposed change):
ATAG 2.0 and WCAG 2.0 should use a common term for technology/content-type. AUWG\'s problem with the current WCAG 2.0 definition of \"technology\" (\"markup language, programming language, style sheet, data format, or API \") is the appearance of the term \"API\" in the list. For the record, ATAG 2.0\'s current definition of \"content-type\" is \"A data format, programming or markup language that is intended to be retrieved and rendered by a user agent (e.g., HTML, CSS, SVG, PNG, PDF, Flash, JavaScript or combinations).\".

Proposed Change:
Remove \"API\"

markup language, programming language, style sheet, or data format

Received on Monday, 25 June 2007 21:25:15 UTC