Please choose your side, UA bug or not ?

Name: levy
Affiliation: tektonika
Document: UW
Item Number: Understanding Success Criterion 1.4.4
Part of Item: Techniques
Comment Type: technical
Summary of Issue: Please choose your side, UA bug or not ?
Comment (Including rationale for any proposed change):
Can you give me a case where this criteria is failed, with the current suffisent technique i can pass everytime since html support zoom and opera zoom can render perfectly in every case. Otherwise define what is commonly available.

And this one :

3. Providing controls on the Web page that incrementally change the size of the text (future link)

Please tell me that it\'s not javascript widget   width some 10pxX10px image to increase or decrease the text size of part of the page. If it case the case, it was just another way to say everybody will pass this criteria. 

So please, choose your side, it\'s an UA problem or it\'s not. If it\'s not, the only way to pass the test must be that the page render correctly when the user increase the text size to 200% with the UA features (if it don\'t resize at all, like IE with pixel, it\'s an IE bug not accessibility issue from the author, otherwise add a criteria about use off %, keyword or em value for text sizing)

Proposed Change:

Received on Sunday, 24 June 2007 13:05:07 UTC