SC 2.4.1: use of term "block of content"

Comment: The examples for block of content list 
navigation links, heading graphics, and advertising
G1.3 and SC 1.3.1 require structural markup so that
content is programatically determinable. That means
user agents and assistive technology can access these
blocks of content. So having stated this already why
repeat this again under 2.4.1? Why make content
developers responsible to  provide a mechanism to skip
any and all repetitive blocks of content? User agents
now and in the future may incorporate this function.

But like   WCAG 13.6 and S508 (para o of 1194.22)
content authors could be required to provide 
mechanism to skip groups of links including repetitive
ones. This is especially useful when  links are not
contained in a separate frame, list or grouped under a
heading tag etc. In this case a "skip left navigation"
or "skip to content" link may be useful. In other
cases  SC 1.3.1 will already have  made the author
mark up the block of content with structural markup
and left user agents  / AT to do the rest.

Suggestion: replace "block of content" in  SC 2.4.1
with groups of links" Groups of links may be defined
as four or more links placed one after another and
include such groups that are repeated across multiple
Web pages.

Sailesh Panchang

Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.  

Received on Sunday, 10 June 2007 03:58:21 UTC