Comment LC-1045

Comment 25:

(Issue ID: LC-1045)

Term: Programmatically determined - The definition for "programmatically
determined" is "determined by software from data provided in a user-agent
supported manner such that the user agents can extract and present this
information to users in different modalities". What is the definition by
"user agent supported manner"? Does this mean that even if only one user
agent on only on version of an operating system can extract the information
then it complies? What about people with colour blindness? If faced with an
image they can't interpret due to colour blindness, they could just use a
colour picker tool which will tell them the hex values of each pixel and
determine the contents of an image that way.

Proposed Change:

Redefine SC that use the term programmatically determined

Response from Working Group:

The notion of "programmatically determined" is basic to the success criteria
that use it; we don't see a way of redefining those success criteria not to
use the concept.

The first issue in "programmatically determined" is making sure that the
information is represented in the technology in a way that is clear and
unambiguous within the capabilities of that technology. Many of the most
serious issues addressed by requiring that information be programmatically
determined have to do with authors implying information via visual
presentation, rather than encoding it explicitly in the technology.

We put extensive work into the difficult issue that you identify, of "which
assistive technology"? The basic answer is that it is the assistive
technology available to the audience. Individual techniques identify issues
with specific versions of user agents and assistive technology, so that
authors can make informed decisions about whether the techniques are
acceptable for their audience.
Response from Working Group:

Please see my response to 1069

Received on Friday, 6 July 2007 16:06:55 UTC