Re: CDR: Appendix B lacks testable conformance criteria for documents

On Mon, 02 Jan 2006 11:04:44 +0100, Maciej Stachowiak <>  
> "All Compound Documents must have a root document which has a DOM."
> - This spec by design only applies to XML-based languages, so this does  
> not seem like a meaningful criterion.

Just to comment on this. CDR is basically about one document referencing  
another. As in:

  <object data="foo">fallback...</object>

... such situations are not specific to XML-based languages. For example,  
the situation above can also arise in HTML. We did not see any strong  
reasons to make such restrictions at the framework level. In fact, a lot  
of the CDR documents that are out there are written in HTML. Think of  
framesets, iframes et cetera.

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Monday, 2 January 2006 19:08:41 UTC