Issue 131


I created a Change Proposal to address the separation of DrawFocusRing into
two methods and provided additional information pertaining the chairs had
requested for text baseline. I tried to use as much as I felt was correct
from the changes Ian made to the WhatWg spec., including the way he allowed
for AT to be integrated with the browser as we will see with Chrome going
forward. I felt there were some problems with Ian's spec. which I did not
enumerate as the change proposal is written against the W3C spec.:

- He assumed that all fallback contented needed to support the canvas
element would need to be descendant of the canvas element. There will be
times, such as hidden context menus, where content may reside hidden at the
end of the DOM as transparent fallback content.
- Ian's change still allowed the condition in drawCustomFocusRing such that
if a system setting was not available to draw a focus ring in a certain
style that the function could return allowing the author to create a new
path for the focus ring with different styling. The new path may not match
the path passed to browser and thus the magnification solution
- drawCustomFocusRing should draw a custom focus ring and not adhere to
system settings for styling as it is a custom focus ring. We have provided
a drawStandardFocusRing function.

Please provide feedback before take this to a more formal change proposal
submittal. Charles Pritchard tried to get Ian to give feedback on the
changes to DrawFocusRing on the WhatWg discussion list for weeks but
received no response.

Thanks you,


Rich Schwerdtfeger
CTO Accessibility Software Group

Received on Thursday, 15 September 2011 17:18:07 UTC