RE: Proposal for New Window command

What was the resolution here? I think we’re on board with having a new window command but the conversation seems to have died. Any thoughts on this since then? There’s nothing in the spec per the last time I looked.

From: Marc Fisher []
Sent: Tuesday, August 9, 2016 10:47 AM
To: Andreas Tolfsen <>;
Subject: Re: Proposal for New Window command

This could be implemented as a POST to /session/{session id}/window/new
as POST /session/{session id}/window is occupied by Switch To Window,
or we could switch them around.  It would return the window handle
of the new window, and would be guaranteed blocking, unlike other
techniques mentioned above.

Or  POST /session/{session id}/window without a window handle/name could create a new window.


Received on Tuesday, 22 November 2016 19:04:10 UTC