
Hi everyone,

I'm Adán, the CTO of Stampery.

Sadly enough, I didn't get Webex to work properly for today's meeting so
eventually couldn't join the conversation.

At Stampery we have been working on blockchain data anchoring for two
years, so we are specially interested on the Chainpoint discussion.

Our scalable timestamping technology called BTA [1] uses its own format
for blockchain proofs/receipts, but for the sake of the maturity of the
blockchain industry, we want to push hard for stablishing an open
standard. We dream of a day when the proofs generated by different
blockchain timestamping platforms can be verified with a single piece of

We are in conversations with the guys from Tierion because we believe
that Chainpoint would make a good starting point for beginning to work
on such standard.  We particularly like the idea of using JSON-LD for
defining the ontology of the proofs.

Ideally, all the members of this CG should be able to participate in the
standard drafting process and come out in the next months with a
standard format that all the parties involved will feel comfortable with.

This CG, specially when promoted to official Working Group, should be
also responsible for discussing and defining the "vocabulary" used by
the standard schema between major upgrades. This is of vital importance
because we can't update the standard every time a new blockchain,
hashing algorithm or data anchoring technique makes an appearance; yet
the acceptable values for the different fields in the JSON-LD schema
need to be promptly updated and published when required (otherwise, new
players won't be able to embrace and abide by the standard in good

I really expect this discussion to move forward and the standard to
happen. You have Stampery's full support. There are many other things in
the blockchain space that need to be standardized, but I really believe
this could be a great point to start from.


[1]  "Blockchain Timestamping Architecture" Whitepaper:

Best regards,
*Adán Sánchez de Pedro Crespo*
CTO, Stampery Inc.
San Francisco - Madrid
T: +34 663 163 375

Received on Thursday, 8 September 2016 17:29:06 UTC