Self-intro and offer to support the process ...

Dear AWWSW Task Force members,

I'd like to introduce myself and offer some support for the process of
'making a logical model of the hypertext web', as Jonathan puts it.

Some background: I'm a postdoctoral researcher at DERI Galway, Ireland and
have some nine years of experience with Web applications, multimedia on the
Web and Semantic Web. Though I come from the linked data area, my interest
is not limited to RDF applications, I'm building up a new research line into
discovery (from POWDER over /host-meta to HTTP Link: header), hence also my
blog [1]. I have also 5+ years of ontology/vocabulary engineering. I have
also some W3C experiences:

+ Multimedia Semantics Incubator Group (2006/2007)
+ Semantic Web Deployment Working Group/RDFa Task Force (since 2006)
+ RDB2RDF Incubator Group (since 2008)
+ Media Fragments Working Group (since 2008)

Btw, re vocabulary engineering: I gather that you're (still?) looking for a
collaborative ontology engineering suite? Did you have a look at Neologism
[3], yet? The four of us just recently did voiD [4] with it and are (beside
minor issues) very happy with it.

I'd like to offer a hand in editing stuff (on the Wiki), also creating
visualisations (ontology, etc.) if needed, doing state-of-the-art write-up,
surveys, etc.

Please let me know where to start; for now I waded through your AWWSW
telecon minutes and read the ESW Wiki pages [5]. I'll join you at the next
telecon (3 March ?) if nobody objects ...



Dr. Michael Hausenblas
DERI - Digital Enterprise Research Institute
National University of Ireland, Lower Dangan,
Galway, Ireland, Europe
Tel. +353 91 495730

Received on Saturday, 21 February 2009 14:49:51 UTC