RE: Gathering issues for vehicle access APIs and vehicle data specs until 20th July

Hi. Urata-san.
Thanks for good feedbacks.

From: Shinjiro Urata []
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 8:53 PM
To: 이원석 <>
Cc: public-automotive <>
Subject: Re: Gathering issues for vehicle access APIs and vehicle data specs until 20th July

Dear Wonsuk-san,

Thanks for this mail and
 excuse me for very late reply.

What I wanted to say in telco on July 6 was,
 we have not many chances to meet each other
 and so I think we should talk in portland f2f to clarify
 - how to make vehicle spec (JavaScirpt API) as candidate recommendation
 - remaining task
 - time schedule.

[Wonsuk] Basically I agree with your point.
Hi. All,
I would like to gather issues for JS current specs(vehicle access APIs[1] and vehicle data[2]) for going forward. It feels those was pending so far because the group did mostly focus on the development of new service specification. But JS specs are also important for us so that we will have a slot for discussion for them in upcoming Portland f2f meeting.

Regarding the JS current specs, I personally think, we already spent
 enough time for discussion and may be we can freeze (or semi-freeze) the spec.
( By 'semi-freeze',  I mean minor change is OK but not good to
  accept too much drastic change.
    - modifying Vehicle Data Spec to align with VSS(Vehicle Signal Spec) will be OK.
    - changing Vehicle Information API spec too much will be NG )

[Wonsuk] Agreed. In addition, I think we need to modify the Zone interface.

The reason I say this is, I think we should start creating test suite by this summer or autumn
 and if spec will be changing after test suite creating started,
 it is like goal is moving and not good.

And of course, having two browser implementation might become difficult,
 if the spec is not stable until late timing.

[Wonsuk] I agreed with your point.

See you soon and talk you in there F2F!


This is my personal opinion but
 I'll be happy if you could consider.

Best regards,

Shinjiro Urata
ACCESS Co., Ltd.

2016-07-06 10:40 GMT+09:00 이원석 <<>>:
Hi. All,
I would like to gather issues for JS current specs(vehicle access APIs[1] and vehicle data[2]) for going forward. It feels those was pending so far because the group did mostly focus on the development of new service specification. But JS specs are also important for us so that we will have a slot for discussion for them in upcoming Portland f2f meeting.

Please share the issues you have until 20th July. I will make the list.



이 원 석 (Wonsuk, Lee) / Senior Researcher, Ph.D
한국전자통신연구원 표준연구센터(Protocol Engineering Center, ETRI)
Mobile: +82-10-5800-3997<tel:%2B82-10-5800-3997>   Office: +82-42-860-6104<tel:%2B82-42-860-6104>
E-mail:<>, twitter: @wonsuk73


Received on Tuesday, 26 July 2016 08:20:19 UTC