RE: Adding MIDI APIs to Audio WG Charter (was: MIDI enumeration (was: Re: getUserMedia use cases))


IIRC - <bgsound> just forks off to Media Player, as *should* <object> and
<audio>.  I'm not totally sure what will happen in Metro browsing, where
they shut down a lot of extensibility points. 

As far as I know there is no MIDI support via Metro (at this time anyway).
(Score -1 for Microsoft: they're now back to zero <g>).

That's what I meant about other browsers - all the other major browsers ship
on OSX (and many on Linux, etc), where they couldn't rely on an SMF/GM
component being available. 

Right... the GM component (synth) is available, just not the SMF component
(file player). (Just want to be clear about that.)
So if I was in a problem-solving mode, I'd be looking for some way to get
the SMF file-player code into browsers, if not into OSX and Linux
distributions themselves.

Android does ship with SMF playback, and the Sonivox synthesizer; however,
they don't currently have it exposed with any MIDI APIs, only file-playback. 

Right, Web MIDI APIs are still needed on all platforms. I'm just pointing
out where some OS already have some MIDI functionality built-in, and
suggesting the Web API be able to take advantage of those cases.
- TW

Received on Thursday, 2 February 2012 19:33:30 UTC